VisualSVN Server 4.2.x version family has reached End of
Support. We no longer provide maintenance and technical support for
any VisualSVN Server 4.2.x builds. Read the
End of Support announcement for further information.
Please, upgrade to the current version that is available on the
main download page.
Main enhancements
- New feature: Finding files by name in the web interface.
- New feature: Viewing the background jobs history.
- Managing local Subversion users, groups and their permissions with PowerShell.
Web interface enhancements
- Add a capability to go to a specific line of a file in the Commit view.
- PDF viewer renders a few subsequent pages upfront, improving the viewing experience.
- Display text files up to 5MB. Files larger than 1MB are rendered with no syntax highlighting or Markdown formatting.
- Keyboard shortcuts are independent of the active keyboard layout.
- Remove compatibility code which uses the specific "moz-chunked-arraybuffer" response type.
- Selecting the entire page no longer captures the footer line.
PowerShell enhancements
- New PowerShell cmdlets to manage Subversion user accounts: Get-SvnLocalUser, New-SvnLocalUser, Remove-SvnLocalUser, Set-SvnLocalUser.
- New PowerShell cmdlets to manage Subversion group accounts: Get-SvnLocalGroup, New-SvnLocalGroup, Remove-SvnLocalGroup, Add-SvnLocalGroupMember, Get-SvnLocalGroupMember, Remove-SvnLocalGroupMember.
- Add new TransactionCount property showing the number of uncommitted transactions available with the Measure-SvnRepository cmdlet.
- Add support for Subversion authentication to permission management PowerShell cmdlets.
Other changes
- New Multi-Processing Module (MPM) dynamically adapting to workload.
- Do not backup rep-cache.db. Recreate the rep-cache file when restoring a repository from backup instead.
- Significantly reduce memory requirements for restoring large repository backups.
- Disallow creating user and group accounts with the same names but with different letter case.
- Disable 3DES cipher suites in the Intermediate TLS/SSL compatibility level.
- Display the number of uncommitted repository transactions in the Details tab of VisualSVN Server Manager.
- Schedule background jobs to start exactly at zero seconds of the time specified (e.g. at 09:35:00).
- Add icons for service executable files to improve their appearance in Task Manager.
- Use BCrypt instead of deprecated CryptoAPI to decode and check license.
- Fixed: "Operation failed due to timeout" error in an attempt to stop HTTP service via VisualSVN Server Manager.
- Fixed: HTTP service may fail to start due to Server Bindings customization possibly left from the previous installation.
- Updated Expat XML parser to version 2.2.9.
- Updated to Mousetrap v1.6.3.