Patch Release 1.2.3

VisualSVN patch release 1.2.3 is available. It contains fix for critical vulnerability issue recently detected in Subversion. Also it contains several bug fixes and improvements for version 1.2.

Upgrade is free and strongly recommended for all users. You should also update TortoiseSVN to version 1.4.5 with applied security fix. Download VisualSVN 1.2.3 and TortoiseSVN 1.4.5 here!

Changes in VisualSVN 1.2.3

  • Linked against Subversion 1.4.5 with fix for vulnerability issue.
  • Fixed: incorrect icons might be shown in Solution Explorer if Working Copy Root is not under Subversion.
  • Fixed: incorrect svn:ignore setting for Web Site projects.
  • Fixed: Visual Studio crashes on loading Platform Builder 6.0 projects.
  • Fixed: Visual Studio crashes on loading InstallShield 12 projects.
  • Fixed: "Add Solution to Subversion" fails if MySQL Server Developer Tools are installed.
  • Performance improvements.

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