
Below are some unsolicited snippets from our customers comments.

"We use TortoiseSVN for Subversion integration as almost all other Windows developers do. But as Visual Studio developers, we've also adopted VisualSVN, which I highly recommend! It makes working with Subversion a pleasure instead of a chore, at least in my opinion."
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Jeff Atwood of StackOverflow.com

"As you probably know, I have great reservations about putting things in the IDE, mostly because I usually find that they make me wait for them (unacceptable). But Visual SVN is different in this regard because I literally can't find any issues with the IDE integration, the things that I do (solution wide namespace rename, done yesterday) are immediately reflected and I didn't notice any slow down."
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Oren Eini of Ayende.com

"VisualSVN works very well together with TortoiseSVN. You can view and do everything from both Visual Studio and the Windows Explorer with SVN."
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Peter Gekko of CodeBetter.com

"My colleague Rob introduced me to VisualSVN, a very reasonably priced plugin for visual studio that integrates the TortoiseSVN shell extensions into Visual Studio. Works like a dream. The folks behind it seem pretty switched on too."
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Tim Haughton of AgileMicroISV.com

"It's a tool we didn't know we needed. An couple engineers tried it... and now we're addicted.
Fantastic contextual options and a seamless Visual Studio integration. Every option is exactly where you need it; no clutter."

Catalin Rotaru of Caphyon.com

"The basic idea is that after you install it [VisualSVN], every time you need to add, delete, move, or rename a file, you do it through Visual Studio, and this plugin handles Subversion changes for you. After getting our developers using this tool, we have seen the frequency of broken builds drop consistently. It is a great investment, and will make your developers lives just a bit easier."
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Dwayne Vogler of FrogSlayer Software Development