VisualSVN 1.3 Release Notes

We are glad to inform you that VisualSVN version 1.3 is available for download! VisualSVN includes several major new features and a lot of bug fixes and improvements.

Automatic locks handling

Primary new feature of VisualSVN 1.3 is an automatic locks handling. This means that when you try to modify any file marked by svn:needs-lock property VisualSVN asks you to get a lock for this file. Also, there is a lock icon in the status bar when your working copy contains locked files.

Easy to use "Get Solution from Subversion" command

Second new feature of VisualSVN 1.3 is an ability to open your solution from Subversion repository in one click. VisualSVN automatically create working copy from a given repository URL and opens the solution.

Major bug fixes and improvements

  • Commands support multiple selection in Solution Explorer
  • Status icons for folders in C++ projects
  • Gray shadow form removed
  • Support for repositories & working copies stored on network share added
  • Status updating performance improved
  • Dependency on iconv library removed
  • Fixed: Solution Explorer folders expanding on solution load
  • Fixed: status icons and command don't honor dependent items (such as *.resx files for forms)
  • Fixed: crash is case actxprx.dll is not registered in the system

For full list of bug fixes and improvements please consider the changelog.

Free upgrade

The upgrade to VisualSVN 1.3 is free for all licensed users of VisualSVN 1.x.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us on any questions regarding VisualSVN at