Upgrade to VisualSVN 8.x

VisualSVN licenses issued starting from June 17th, 2021 qualify for a free upgrade to VisualSVN 8.x. For a free upgrade, please download VisualSVN 8.x and continue using your existing VisualSVN license.

Licenses issued before June 17th, 2021 require an upgrade purchase for VisualSVN 8.x.

To apply for upgrade, please complete the form below. You are requested to enter a VisualSVN 1.x-7.x license key that belongs to you or to your organization. If your organization have several license keys, please separate them by a blank line.

Large customers can also consider to purchase a Site License that allows to use VisualSVN on all computers within an organization's office. For further details please contact as at sales@visualsvn.com.


Contact us at sales@visualsvn.com if you have any questions about our upgrading policy.