Understanding verification job schedules

Applies to: VisualSVN Server 3.6 and later

VisualSVN Server provides an easy and straightforward approach to scheduling daily verification jobs. You can select the day of the week and the time when the job will run.

Verification job schedule

Verification jobs start running according to the selected schedule. When you add a new verification job, you should select the days of the week and time when the verification job will start. Verification job schedule must be selected when adding the job and it is possible to change the schedule in the job's properties anytime after it has been created.

How does job scheduling work?

Scheduled jobs start and run only when the VisualSVN Background Job Service is up and running. By default, the VisualSVN Background Job Service starts automatically at system startup. In case the scheduled start time was missed because the service was stopped, the job will start at the next scheduled time when the service is up and running.

If the verification job is still in progress when it is time to perform a new scheduled verification, the next verification will be queued to run as soon as the current one finishes.

Running verification jobs on demand

You can run a verification job on demand. Follow these steps to start a verification job:

  1. In VisualSVN Server Manager console, select Jobs.
  2. Right-click the job you want to start on demand.
  3. Click Run.

Alternatively, you can use Start-SvnJob PowerShell cmdlet to start the job on demand. For further information, please read KB88: VisualSVN Server PowerShell Cmdlet Reference

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