VisualSVN keyboard shortcuts

VisualSVN is a professional tool designed to be keyboard friendly. Most of the Subversion operations could be performed using the keyboard only. The list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts is given below.

Solution-wide Commands

Here is the list of keyboard shortcuts to perform common Subversion operations on the entire working copy. Note that these shortcuts correspond to VisualSVN commands in the Visual Studio's main menu.

Command Shortcut
Show Changes Alt+U, S
Update Alt+U, U
Commit Alt+U, C
Show Log Alt+U, L
Repo-Browser Alt+U, E
Create Patch Alt+U, P
Apply Patch Alt+U, A
Branch Alt+U, B
Switch Alt+U, W
Merge Alt+U, M
Revert Alt+U, R

Editor Commands

The keyboard shortcuts listed below allow you to navigate between Quick Diff markers and quickly revert blocks of changes without leaving the code editor.

Command Shortcut
Next change Alt+]
Previous change Alt+[
Revert this block Ctrl+Alt+Z

Pending Changes Window Commands

Here is the list of keyboard shortcuts for common operations in the Pending Changes window.

Command Shortcut
Activate Pending Changes window Alt+1
Open selected file Ctrl+E
Show difference for selected file Ctrl+D
Locate selected file in Solution Explorer Ctrl+L
Go to next modified file F8 *
Go to previous modified file Shift+F8 *

* This keyboard shortcut matches the default Visual Studio hotkey, which can be set to either F8 (Shift-F8) or F4 (Shift-F4) depending on the selected environment defaults.

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