Validating file names in a pre-commit hook script

Applies to: VisualSVN Server 5.0 and later

VisualSVN Server includes the check-pathnames pre-commit hook for validating file and folder names in incoming transactions. The hook validates file names in commits and can perform the following checks:

  • Reject files with certain extensions (e.g., *.iso, *.dll, *.exe, etc.).
  • Reject files and folders whose names differ only by case to prevent case-only name conflicts.
  • Reject files and folders with names incompatible with the Windows file naming conventions.

Follow these steps to configure the pre-commit hook:

  1. Start the VisualSVN Server Manager console.
  2. Expand the Repositories node.
  3. Right-click a repository and click Properties.
  4. Click the Hooks tab.
  5. Double-click the Pre-commit hook.
  6. Enter the following commands replacing the placeholder parameters with valid values.
    "%VISUALSVN_SERVER%\bin\VisualSVNServerHooks.exe" check-pathnames ^
        --prohibited-name <prohibited-name> ^
        -t "%2" "%1"
    IF ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1
    You can find the script examples below.
  7. Click OK and Apply.
    Remember to use IF ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1 or a similar condition after calling VisualSVNServerHooks.exe in the hook script. Otherwise, the results of the check will be silently ignored.


The check-pathnames command accepts the following options:

Option Meaning
-t [--transaction] ARG Specifies the transaction ID.
--case-conflicts Checks for absence of case conflicts.
--prohibited-name ARG Checks that file and folder names do not match the prohibited pattern.
--windows-compatible Checks for compliance with the Windows file naming conventions.


Below you can find examples of the scripts that you can use in your repositories.

Rejecting files with the .exe extension

Use the following pre-commit hook to reject commits that add files with the *.exe extension.

"%VISUALSVN_SERVER%\bin\VisualSVNServerHooks.exe" check-pathnames ^
    --prohibited-name *.exe ^
    -t "%2" "%1"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1

Performing all three validation checks in a single command

Use the following pre-commit hook to reject commits that add files with the *.exe extension, or with case conflicts, or with names incompatible with Windows.

"%VISUALSVN_SERVER%\bin\VisualSVNServerHooks.exe" check-pathnames ^
    --prohibited-name *.exe ^
    --case-conflicts ^
    --windows-compatible ^
    -t "%2" "%1"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 1

See also

KB140: Validating commit log messages in VisualSVN Server
KB188: Understanding Subversion repository hooks
SVNBook | pre-commit hook

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