Understanding VisualSVN Server logging settings

This article describes VisualSVN Server enhanced logging settings. You can find these settings on the Logging tab in the VisualSVN Server Properties dialog.

VisualSVN Server Access and Operational logging feature allows you to monitor all Subversion operations processed by VisualSVN Server, including read-only ones. Access and Operational logging events are written to the VisualSVN Server Activity event log under the Applications and Services Logs node in Windows Event Viewer. Read the KB28: Where VisualSVN Server logs are stored article for more information.

It is recommended to review and adjust the maximum event log size and retention policy before you use the enhanced logging in a production environment. Instructions are given below.

Access Logging

Access Logging provides low-level logging based on HTTP protocol requests. It allows you to monitor all HTTP requests processed by the server.

When the Access Logging check box is selected, the Access Log records the following information about each HTTP request:

  • HTTP method (e.g., PROPFIND, REPORT).
  • Requested resource path.
  • Username used to access the server.
  • IP address of the client computer.
  • HTTP status (e.g., 200 OK, 403 Forbidden).

Access Logging makes it easy to see which clients are accessing the server and whether their requests succeed or fail.

Operational Logging

Information about low-level network requests is not always sufficient to determine the type of a Subversion operation. To this end, Operational Logging provides high-level logging which makes it possible to monitor logical Subversion operations.

When the Operational Logging check box is selected, the Operational Log records the following information about each logical Subversion operation:

  • Type of Subversion operation (e.g., update, checkout-or-export).
  • Parameters of the operation (if applicable).
  • Repository name.
  • Username used to access the server.
  • IP address of the client computer.

Operational Logging makes it easy to track all logical Subversion operations and determine by whom they were performed.

Adjusting event log settings for use in production environment

Make adjustments to the default event log settings to ensure that log events stay accessible over a sufficient time period. Follow the recommendations below to adjust the maximum event log size and retention policy.

Adjusting maximum log size

By default, the maximum size of the Windows Event Logs is 20,480 KB which may be less than optimal for larger VisualSVN Server installations. It is recommended to review and increase the maximum log size depending on your VisualSVN Server's load. Please see the Microsoft TechNet instructions on how to set maximum log size.

Adjusting log retention policy

Log retention policy determines what happens after a log file reaches the maximum size. By default, once the log file is full, incoming events replace the oldest events in the log. Upon your requirements the policy can be changed. As an alternative, the log file can be archived or handled manually. Please see the Microsoft TechNet instructions on how to set log retention policy.

See also

KB28: Where VisualSVN Server logs are stored

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